Welcome letter

The City and the University of Florence are proud to welcome the wind energy community for TORQUE 2024, an official event by the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE).

Florence is known as the cradle of the Renaissance, with the wealth of Renaissance art and architecture that remain the city’s unique treasures. The incredible cultural movement of Renaissance transformed not only Florence but eventually the rest of Europe, influencing all aspects of life: science, philosophy, art, religion, politics, and literature. This period in Florence was also one of those moments that are mysteriously blessed by a congregation of artistic genius. The artists, architects, thinkers, and political figures who led the Renaissance were all born on the fertile soil in and around Florence, within the same century: Masaccio, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Lorenzo the Magnificent de’ Medici, and Machiavelli, just to name a few.

While still looking like an open-sky museum, Florence is nowadays a modern city, named the most digital in Italy for three consecutive years, and one of the greenest European capitals.

This spirit towards beauty and innovation is part of the motivation that prompted the University of Florence – a proud member of EAWE – to bid for hosting TORQUE. Together with the Tuscany Region, the Municipality of Florence, and many other associations of the territory, we look forward to letting you enjoy a warm Tuscan hospitality.

TORQUE is also known as a conference welcoming a lot of young talented PhD students and young researchers. My personal wish for all these brilliant minds is to experiment every day in their work in wind energy the same propension towards the future, the same hunger for innovation, and the same feeling to be on the edge of something special that animated Renaissance.

Prof. Alessandro Bianchini, Chair of TORQUE 2024

“Florence is the city of Renaissance. The place where all started. […] From Florence, the spirit of Renaissance was spread to all Europe. After every crisis, came a European Renaissance and this is what Europe needs in our days and age.”
Mrs. U. von der Leyen, May 6th, 2021


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May 29th, 2023
Website open for submission
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September 15th, 2023
Abstract submission
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November 29th, 2023
Registration opening
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January 25th, 2024
Draft papers due
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March 22nd, 2024
Submission of revised papers
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March 25th, 2024
Submission of revised papers
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April 5th, 2024
Final papers due
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April 8th, 2024
Early bird registration deadline
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April 19th, 2024
Final program release
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May 15th, 2024
Regular registration deadline
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May 29th, 2024
TORQUE 2024 open ceremony
Torque 2024